The TH!NK Exhibition Competition Winner Is Crowned…Hi-Ya!
Well, it’s been a big week around Think Tank. After months of planning, many designer submissions, and lots of excitement, the TH!NK: exhibition competition winner was chosen. Oh yeah, like I said, Ninjatastic excitement!

This past month Ninja Central has been abuzz with anticipation. We were all excitedly tweeting, facebooking, and talking up our big annual TH!NK competition -where we choose one deserving designer to come on board with our firm to design during our annual CreateAthon week.
We stealthily inundated the entire Metro St. Louis area with all kinds of advertisements, press releases, and flyers looking for Ninja-worthy designers for our shindig. And they came out. Boy, did they ever come out.
I am pleased to announce that one fine designer was chosen – John Emig from Highland, IL – and that we were fortunate enough to be introduced to some amazing talent. Seriously, the talent was pretty incredible. It made those judges of ours have to scratch their chins, their soul patches, and their bald heads – going back and forth with the pros and cons of each submitted piece.
Honestly, it was pretty cool to watch. Maybe there is just something about watching rock star design judges deliberate that makes a Ninja’s day. Especially when one of those judges is a Jedi. Hmmm…..
So, after those esteemed judges Steve Hartman, Bill Klingensmith, and Sherrie Hickman tossed around this idea, and that process, and the other pantone color our winner was selected…. Oh yeah, and then there was some major Ninja celebrating. (What happens in Ninja-ville, stays in Ninja-ville…)
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