
Madeline Imig | Graphic Designer

Madeline’s love for photography + technology turned into a passion for graphic design. It all started with her parent’s camera and her brothers, unwillingly, posing as her models when she fell in love with photography. The following years were filled with many collages, PowerPoints, and video compilations of Justin Bieber, dabbling in graphic design without even realizing it (we guess JB is to thank for her career!). With a curious mind, it developed into a love for graphic design in high school that led into college.

Madeline graduated from the University of Missouri-Columbia, receiving a Bachelor of Fine Arts with an emphasis in Graphic Design and minors in both Business and Art History. She enjoys all things creative, whether it is starting a new home renovation project or photographing her brothers soccer games, to capture the moment. She has always been one to try it all, from many different hobbies, playing almost every sport, and taking advantage of leadership opportunities that come her way, there isn’t much she says no to!

When Madeline isn’t working or making a new to-do list, you can find her at the gym (trying to lift more than the gym bros around her), online planning her next trip (specifically dreaming about going back to Amsterdam), or out trying new activities with friends. The most important thing about Madeline, is that she was born and raised to be the biggest Cardinal’s fan by the biggest Cardinal’s fan to ever exist, aka her dad. Thanks to him quizzing her on the players and stats growing up (yes, in replace of schoolwork), she can proudly claim to be one of the biggest St. Louis Cardinals fans.

Planning a trip: 80%

Relaxing: 20%

Looking for a good sans serif type: 70%

Cheering for the Cubs: .1%

Reciting facts about Justin Bieber: 99%