Think Tank Named Best Place to Work in St. Louis…Again!
What do you get when you combine Ninjas, laughter, hard work, the church of Bon Jovi (oh, you know that had to be thrown in there!), positive attitude and the desire to help the world be a better place?
You get Think Tank PR & Marketing.
Last week Ninja Central was honored for the second year in a row as the Best Place to Work in St. Louis by the industry standard – the St. Louis Business Journal. Yep, that’s right, and we haven’t stopped smiling since!
So, what makes Think Tank so different than other agencies, other companies?
Well, the easy answer is that we treat others as we want to be treated. But it’s so much more than that.
We’ve built a company culture based on teamwork, fun, giving back to the community and to each other. We’ve created an environment that fosters our team to put out award-winning work all while having fun. We give kudos, we tease each other, we push each other, and – when it comes down to It – we are a family.
Sure, we might play practical jokes on each other. And, well, once in a while we may change your screensaver to a photoshopped version of you as the Incredible Hulk. Or the lead singer of 90’s pop group Ace of Base. Or a character from the Twillight series. Or, okay, we admit – we may make you dress up and do crazy things at our holiday party to win awards. What can we say? Things happen.
But, despite the constant hazing, teasing and giggling we are a group of people who passionately care about our clients and our craft. We love our work. We genuinely love the people we work for and the people we work with. Even our CEO who is Bon Jovi obsessed. Yes, we even love her…
So, we’d like to give a big THANK YOU to the St. Louis Business Journal for this honor. Thank you for taking the time to ask our employees how we were doing as a firm and for giving us props for doing the right thing when it comes to them. Thanks for shining the spotlight on us and making us feel special. You never know, we may just sneak into your offices and express our thanks through some custom-made screensavers…